Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bran Rolls

We have a light snow fall today that is dressing the naked braches of trees and carpeting the lawns. The asphalt pavement flanked on both sides with the white cottony snow strikes out brilliantly in the scenary. On a cold day like this I love hot rolls dipped in soup and watch the snow flakes gently make its way to the ground.
Two years back, for the first time, I braved the daunting task of making bread and have enjoyed it ever since. Having made dough for the Indian roti’s/ chapatthi’s I don’t find getting the dough together for bread cumbersome. Today’s recipe is even better since it does not call for any kneading. As you enjoy the recipe and read about some awards friends have generously given, I am going to try and stay warm. Curl up on my sofa, read a book and sneek peek out the french window to make sure the picturesque landscape doesn't change. Yes, thats what I will do today.
You be good and bake those rolls to keep you and your family warm. It must be the snow I feel like rhyming.
Bran Rolls
Active dry yeast - 1 package
Water - 1/2 cup
Shortening - 1/2 cup
sugar - 2/3 cup
whole bran - 1/2 cup
salt - 1 tspn
boiling water - 1/2 cup
sifted all-purpose flour - 3 1/4 cups
beaten eggs - 1


Mixing the dough
1. Dissolve dry yeast in luke warm water (110 ⁰ F) and set aside
2. Take shortening, sugar, bran, and salt in a mixing bowl and add the boiling water
3. Stir the mixture till shortening is well mixed with other ingredients and melted
4. Set aside to cool to lukewarm
5. Add the ½ cup flour, the beaten egg and yeast mix and stir with the spatula
6. Gradually add the flour and beat well (You are trying to bring all the mixture together though not kneading)
7. Once all of it comes together place it in a greased bowl and roll it around so the dough is greased all around
8. Cover and chill in refrigerator till ready to use (this can be refrigerated for a couple of days and rolled our to make rolls when necessary)
Making clover leaf roll:
1. Make 3 one inch balls of the refrigerated dough and place in a greased muffin pan.
2. Allow it to double in size around 1 ½ to 2 hours

Clover Leaf

Bake in a preheated oven at 400⁰ F for approximately 15 minutes. Please check after 8-10 minutes the first time since oven temperatures may vary. Adjust the temperature if required the next time.

1. If you want to bake the rolls the same day chill the dough for an hour and make your desired shape of the dough and bake

Makes – About 18 – 20 rolls

Awards: We are happy to receive this award from our blogger friend Simply life .  We appreciate your generosity, Simply life

Now we would like to share it with some of our friends:
Sangeetha - Kothiyavunu
Priya -Priya's Recipes
Sonia- Nasilemak Lover
Anncoo-Anncoo's Hobby Oraphan-Easy Veggie
Three hungry Tummies
Priya of Priya's easy and Tasty recipes
Oraphan- Easy veggie
Faiza-Faiza Ali's Kitchen
Malar- Kitchen Tantra
Meeso-For the love of food

We have also been awarded by Mausi, Priya and Saju the 'kreative blogger' award.  We would like to share it with

Latha from culinary delights
Cham of Spice club
3 Hungry Tummies
Vineetha of Malabar Ruchi
Sharmilee -In my passionate world

Rules for accepting this award:

1) Thank the person giving the award
2) Copy the award to your blog
3) Place a link to their blog
4) Name 7 things people don't know about you
5) Nominate 7 bloggers
6) Place a link to those bloggers
7) Leave a comment letting those bloggers know about the award

Keeping my end of the bargain
Name 7 things people don't know about you

1. Hate folding clothes
2. Love the smell of fresh earth
3. Like to walk in the rain
4. Love the idyllic pastoral scenes and enjoy a crowded musical concert with the same passion
5. Collect pine cones like they are precious stones. My husband has forbidden my bringing anymore home but I continue to sneak them in
6. Only like casual clothes
7. Not a fan of the short black dress

Contributor: Sunitha


  1. Congrats on yr award! Tempting and delicious Bran rolls, perfect for the weather:) beautiful clicks:)

  2. MY MY !!those beauties are tempting me and making me hungry. Its snowing even here in UK like never before. I am sure gonna make this soon. i am bookmarking it ..
    congrats for the awards dear and thank you chooo much for passing it to me...

  3. congrats on all the awards dear.......lovely barn rolls.

  4. Nice recipe sunitha...looks awesome.. sounds like another interesting recipe for me to try :-)
    Congrats on all your guys truly deserve it and thanks a lot for remembering me.. :) Happy to receive it from you.. will updated it soon.

  5. Interesting i never used Shorte for bread! I love the fan shape a lot! Marvellous rolls- U guys deserve for great work!
    Thanks 2 share with all of us :)

  6. Wow, what a poetic narration..almost felt like I was reading a novel.. Youhave so Beautifully described the weather there..We'll be soon getting some snow here as well.. CONGRATULATIONS on ur awards..You guys deserve it. I guess an awesome way to celebrate with ur hot bran rolls and some soup..

  7. Looks soooooooo cute and yummy..perfect with soups. Wonderful and congrats on your award dear.

  8. Congrats on your awards.the bread looks awesome and your clicks are very professional.We too are 8inches deep in snow in Uk.Its freezing.Soup and bread sounds ideal.

  9. Yummy and healthy rolls,congrats on ur awards,keep rocking...

  10. Looks so cute and delicious. Congrats on all awards. Was nice reading your meme :)

  11. The rolls look perfectly baked..and picture is as good as always..

  12. Awesome rolls! And congratulations on the award ~ it is well deserved for your creative blog.

  13. Congratulations on your award..You have such a wonderful blog!! I am your regular visitor and follower now.. Thanks for leaving your kind comments on my blog..


  14. Congratulations on winning those awards!

    And those bran rolls look delicious!

  15. Congratulations on your awards, and Thanks so much for giving me this lovely award. Your bread look so beautiful.

  16. I also tried baking my own bread for the first time last year. I would like to try making different kind of bread this year! Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  17. Thanks for the award and nice to knw more abt u!

  18. Congrats on your awars. Bran rolls looks tempting and delicious,and Nice click too:).

  19. This one looks lovely dear! Thanks da!

  20. congratulation on ur award. bran rolls luks delicious...

  21. Healthy and delicious rolls....Congrats on ur awards....

  22. Lovely and healthy rolls! Droolz! With the weather you mentioned, I too feel like having with soup!

  23. that looks terrfic dea..!!! mouthwatering...
    Congrats on your awards and nice knowing more abt you Sunitha

  24. im drooling looks perfect

  25. Loved those shapes of the bread's...looks very inviting...

  26. Oh thanks for the recipe and the award too :)

  27. Lovely picture and very healthy recipe too minus the shortnening :)

  28. Your bran rolls look incredibly yummy! I've never made rolls from scratch before but your recipe sounds simple to make, I'll definitely give it a try very soon.

    Congrats on the awards, you really deserved them and thanks so much for sharing the beautiful blog award with me, it was so thoughtful of you!

  29. Thank you so much for thinking about me, dear!!..u made my day!!

  30. Hi. Very healthy bran rolls and perfect clicks.

  31. It's been snowing here too, I almost didn't want to scroll down to read the recipe as I would have loved to readmore about your lovely description of the snow and the soup and the curling up on the sofa..... a climate for staying warm at home, right?

    your bran rolls look absolutely perfect and yummm!!!

    congratulations for the well-merited awards dear !!! have a nice week-end!!!

  32. Real cute bran rolls....look so perfect.

    Congrats on ur awards and thanks for passing it to me...will post it soon :).

  33. nice pictures.

    I liked the line "I love hot rolls dipped in soup and watch the snow flakes gently make its way to the ground". That is really nice to imagine. :)

  34. Dear Sunitha
    Congratulations to you and to all the team members at CC
    This is very nice, well presented.
    I am tagging it, as I have said ,I am getting back to baking ( having some starting problem like old Fiat car with battery down ha ha )
    Have a nice weekend
    PS I have posted some photo At my Himalayas blog, have a look when you get time ( nothing much there)

  35. congrats on the award ! love the pics of the bran roll.

  36. Congratulations on the Award!
    And the bran rolls are definitely to be served more often in 2010!

  37. looks great dear...congrates on ur awards and nice reading about u..

  38. very nice indeed...congratulations !! and thanks for the award !!! will pick it up in of posts !

  39. Hello Gulmohar,
    Its so sweet of you for sharing the beautiful award with me. Thank you very much!

  40. Rolls looks so cute.nice presentaion.
    Thank to nami and sunitha for sharing the award with me.

  41. un beau blog bonne année 2010
    à bientôt

  42. Congrats on ur award....lovely looking bread..and simple to make too...

  43. Those rolls look so good! I'm always looking for good roll recipes so this is perfect. Thank you!

  44. The bran rolls look great. I am not a fan of folding clothes either. Congrats on your awards.

  45. hey lovely bran rolls...congrats for ur awards

  46. Bran rolls looks awesome.Congrats on ur Awards

  47. Bran rolls look wonderful! and I envy your day of sitting next to french window and enjoying these warm and delicious bran rolls with a cuppa coffee reading a book ;) Congrats on the awards.. well deserved.

  48. Congratulations on ur awards :):) Awesome bran rolls. Thanks a ton for the recipe.


  49. Bran Rolls looks awesome .Making me feel hungry .Congrats on your awards.

  50. lovely rolls and fabulour fotoes....sunita, like u i also collect pine cones and i love hubby also has forbidden that and i too sneak it in...he sometimes says, i am like a rat bringing all the wastes to home:)....i guess all ladies are alike and men too...


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